DAISSy Research Group

April 2, 2019

MRW story – „Bahar“ from Afganistan

“Bahar” was born in Afghanistan but she had to leave the country when she was 6 months old. She lived most of her life in Iran […]
August 3, 2019

The WEMIN at the «You and I, and those who came after-We are all citizens» event

On the occasion of the „World Refugee Day„, an event entitled „You and I, and those who came after-We are all citizens“ took place at the […]
August 3, 2019

Migrant and Refugee Women who restart their lives in Athens (Greece) – The story of Sharife from Afganistan

The story of Sharife from Afganistan  « … I would very much like to continue learning Greek , because I feel my progress is obvious. I […]
Oktober 5, 2019

The story of Ilaf from Iraq

«Today I can say for sure that I should have started my lessons in Greek earlier» Ilaf is 19 years old and since 2017, she has […]