Notíciaes I Agenda

març 19, 2018

Empowering migrant women and strengthening local communities in Europe

The kick-off meeting of the project WEMIN (MIgrant Women Empowerment and Integration) was held on 28 February and 1 March in Athens, Greece.
maig 2, 2018

Promotion of project WEMIN during the PatrasIQ event

PatrasIQ is a three-day event organized annually by the three Higher Education Institutions of the Region of Western Greece (among them the Hellenic Open University) with […]
juny 12, 2018

Promotion of project WEMIN during festival for combating multiple discrimination

Α one-day festival on combating discrimination against stereotypes and prejudices and promoting respect for diversity and human rights was organized by the DAISSy research group of […]
juliol 6, 2018

Presentation of project WEMIN at the Festival for Combating Multiple Discrimination in Crete

DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated successfully at the Festival for Combating Multiple Discrimination organized on 25 May 2018 in Heraklion, Crete. The […]